Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Holodeck Madness

If you've peeked in the holodeck recently you might have noticed that I've been working on a Winter Wonderland scene. I have recently added several scenes including a Sickbay and relocated the bridge into the holodeck. I have room for 5 more scenes for the holodeck. If you have any suggestions, let me know!

Friday, August 3, 2007

Star Trek TNG 20th Anniversary Convention in Las Vegas August 8th-12th

Going to the convention in Las Vegas? Several Warpmongers are definitely going and we'd love to meet you there! IM Greylin Fairweather and I'll give you the details of meeting places at the Star Trek Hilton. : )

IBM Sentinel Quest

IBM made a quest and I challenge Warpmongers to try it out. : ) Let's encourage the "big guys" to create excellent content rather than just large vacant (but pretty) sims. Good luck!

Sunday, July 29, 2007

The Borgs won?

Had another fun photo day which took some of the edge off of the horrible Second Life server issues this weekend. Mira, the andorian birthday girl was there as well as Bri, Zan, Traevlr, Ryte and more. Have great ideas for events? Let us know! Greylin : )
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Thursday, July 26, 2007

New vendors at Cardancia!

We have two new vendors at Cardancia, specializing in Borg and Klingon wares. Please check out their great items.

Make up picture day!

Due to popular demand we are going to have another Warpmongers group photo day at Sunday noon Second Life Time for those that missed last time, or would like to do it again. Please meet near the Cardancia landing point.

Greedy Greedy Not so Greedy

Greedy greedy is now set to free play only with no payout in compliance with SL Terms of Service.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Dumbledore's Army!

Finished reading Harry Potter and tired of Muggles throwing things at you in anticipation of your leaking information? Dumbledore's Army will meet this Sunday at 5pm SLT at Cardancia. Use either the floo network that will be in the center of Cardancia platform that day or the portkey on the desk in the crews quarters to get to the room of requirements. Feel free to use polyjuice to assume the visage of one of the characters if you'd like. : )

Saturday, July 7, 2007

New Phaser Tag Scene!

There is a new phaser tag scene in the holodeck. Based on The Original Series you can now battle in a desert-ish scene called "GornGrapple".

Any scenes you'd like to see? Post them on the message board!


Greylin Fairweather : )

Monday, July 2, 2007

New Items!

We've added a few new shirts to the vending booth, an IDIC one, one for Torres fans and some hilarious Subtext ones from Traevlr. Check them out! : )

Greedy Greedy!

The Ferengis were clamoring for their favorite game, Greedy Greedy! Although it had been outlawed they managed a way to sneak it in and now you can play it too! This addictive dice game for 2-8 players is a lot of fun. The rules are posted. Enjoy!

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Cardancia Booth at Second Life Pride Festival!

This week is Pride week in Second Life and Cardancia is showing its support of Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations by hosting a club booth at the event. We were quite suprised how many Trekkies were there! Trivia was a blast. Thanks to all of you who came to show your support! : )

Star Trek Convention in Las Vegas!

August 9-12th Whooo this year is the 20th anniversary of The Next Generation and the guest list for the convention is packed! We'll be there and hope to see you there as well! More details for meeting at the convention to follow. : )

Quark's Quest is LIVE!

If you click on Quark behind the bar and choose "info" he will offer a simple quest. If you complete the first part you have the option of continuing on and choosing your side! So far the Romulans are winning so all are encouaged to join in, and if you are so inclined, help the Starfleet side out! : )

Cardancia Currents Goes Live!

We now have a new blog and rss feed so we can keep you up to date with Cardancia happenings and events!